Botswana Defence Force (BDF)

Nchindo family looks to sue Botswana government

Nchindo family looks to sue Botswana government

Andrew Kathindi The Nchindo family is looking to sue the Botswana government for damages after Botswana Defence Force (BDF) soldiers shot and killed three brothers and a cousin, last year at the Chobe River between Namibian and Botswana. The revelation comes after President Hage Geingob recently paid a courtesy visit on the family. “That is one of the items we highlighted when we had a meeting with the President. We asked that our government should be able to assist us with negotiating for compensation from the Botswana government. But definitely, suing for compensation is a priority as we seek recourse,”…
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Namibia opens three border posts with Botswana

Namibia opens three border posts with Botswana

Clifton Movirongo Minister of Home Affairs, Immigration, Safety and Security, Frans Kapofi on Wednesday announced the re-opening of three border points with Botswana, namely the Trans-Kalahari, Ngoma and Mohembo posts. “In terms of Regulations 8(3) (b) of the Public Health COVID-19 General Regulations: Public and Environmental Health Act 2015, I hereby designate the following ports of entry into and departure from Namibia, subject to applicable Health Regulations, effective immediately,” Kapofi said. The move by the Home Affairs ministry comes after the Botswana Defence Force (BDF) killing of the three Namibian brothers, Tommy, Martin and Wamunyima Nchindo, along with another Zambian…
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Freedom of speech is absolute

State House Press Secretary Alfredo Hengari got it wrong when he decried legal plans for citizens to demonstrate against the killing of Namibians by the Botswana Defence Force (BDF). The best course of action for government officials regarding citizens expressing their constitutional right to demonstrate and express their opinions (following all regulations), was to say nothing. During an election campaign and any other time, the president should not be exposed in such a way. The statements articulated on this issue make Hage Geingob look as if he wants people to be silent just because he says so. The statements came…
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Botswana defends killing of Namibians by army…as investigation continues

Botswana defends killing of Namibians by army…as investigation continues

Helena Johannes and Andrew Kathindi The Botswana government has defended its defense force following the killing of the three Namibian brothers, Tommy, Martin and Wamunyima Nchindo, and a Zambian national, last week, Thursday. The Botswana army’s Colonel Tebo Kacho Dikole, who confirmed the incident stated, “in its mission of defending Botswana's territorial integrity, sovereignty and national interests, the Botswana Defence Force (BDF) informs the public about an incident between members of the BDF and poachers which resulted in four poachers being killed.” According to Colonel Dikole, the incident happened at around 23h00 hours in Sedudu area (southern channel of Chobe…
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