City says its participation at OAT takes services closer to residents in the north

City says its participation at OAT takes services closer to residents in the north

City says its participation at OAT takes services closer to residents in the north

Hertta-Maria Amutenja After a three-year hiatus due to the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, the City of Windhoek (CoW) has resumed its participation in the Ongwediva Annual Trade Fair (OATF) and highlighted that it a crucial way to ensure that residents of the capital continue to receive essential services. CoW spokesperson, Harold Akwenye, emphasised that their participation could potentially attract investments and partnerships, leading to further development and enhancements for residents. He was responding to Windhoek Observer questions on how the city’s participation in the OATF benefitted its residents. “In essence, our participation is not merely about presence. It is…
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