Delta student claims top spot in 2023 NSSCO AS level

Delta student claims top spot in 2023 NSSCO AS level…dedication and study strategies propel him to the academic pinnacle

Delta student claims top spot in 2023 NSSCO AS level…dedication and study strategies propel him to the academic pinnacle

Hertta-Maria Amutenja Jonathan Louw, a student from Delta Secondary School in the Khomas region, has secured the coveted first position in the 2023 NSSCO Advanced Subsidiary Level Examinations. In an exclusive interview with this publication, Louw said his dedication and commitment to his studies have positioned him as a beacon of academic excellence and a role model for aspiring students. Louw shared insights into his successful journey, shedding light on the meticulous approach he undertook to clinch the top spot. “I approached it with consistency throughout the year and with the knowledge that the work would be much more than…
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