Minister of Works and Transport

Remote jobs can make work visas redundant

The Minister of Works and Transport has opposed a decision by the board of the Civil Aviation Authority (NCAA) about extending contracts of its foreign management staff. There were comments made regarding remote work by the air regulator, which raises eyebrows. The NCAA Chairman of the Board said that one of the South Africans working at the regulator was “advised to work remotely to provide his services. He is currently remunerated accordingly.” This statement tolls the bell of #newnormal. It will soon become ordinary to employ workers who are not in Namibia or are more cheaply employed than locals. The…
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Govt, NTTU clash over taxi fares

Govt, NTTU clash over taxi fares

Andrew Kathindi Namibia Transport and Taxi Union (NTTU) has rejected government’s dismissal of its call to have the 15 percent taxi fare hike made permanent. Taxi fares were increased to the current N$14 from N$12 as part of government efforts to cushion the taxi sector during the state of emergency as they are no longer allowed to carry their full load. In agreeing to the increase, Minister of Works and Transport, John Mutorwa, informed the NTTU that government was not going to indulge in discussions over the increment becoming permanent because the 15 percent increment had been approved as a…
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