
Plight of 1976 Angolan immigrants remains unresolved

Tujoromajo Kasuto The civil registration of immigrants who came to Namibia in 1976 shortly after Angola attained its independence remains unresolved after the it has been with the Cabinet for the past seven years. This was revealed in a report by the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Security. The report states that "these people have families and relatives on both sides of the two countries but still don't have national documents as they do not meet the requirements." According to the committee the region requested that the government or Ministry concerned deal with matter in the same…
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OGF hosts virtual transitional justice panel discussion in the  observance of International Commemoration of Genocide Day

OGF hosts virtual transitional justice panel discussion in the observance of International Commemoration of Genocide Day

Staff Writer Diasporans from Botswana, South Africa, United Kingdom (UK) are among panelists joining descendants of the victims of the Ovaherero and Nama genocide in tackling this issue during a virtual discussion to be livestreamed tomorrow evening. This is to observe the International Day of Commemoration and Dignity of the Victims of the Crime of Genocide, and of the Prevention of this Crime, which is observed every year on 9 December. This year also sees the 78th anniversary of the 1948 United Nations Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, also known as the Genocide Convention.…
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Namibia, Germany must recognise Diasporans are in Botswana because of Genocide – BOSNOO

Namibia, Germany must recognise Diasporans are in Botswana because of Genocide – BOSNOO

Staff Writer The Botswana Society of Nama, Ovaherero and Ovambanderu (BOSNOO) is pleading with the governments of the Republic of Namibia and the Federal Republic of Germany to recognise the presence in the diaspora of Nama, Ovaherero and Ovambanderu as a direct consequence of the 1904-1908 genocide against these communities in Namibia, then German South West Africa. BOSNOO is among organisations of genocide descendants from both Botswana and Namibia who last month virtually testified before an eminent panel of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) on the question of participations rights under Article 25 of the ICCPR.…
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Amount immaterial until Germany has in principle admitted guilt for her crime – Kooper

Staff Writer The Nama and Ovaherero affected communities have not rejected the Joint Declaration because of the amount of about N$18 billion, which the German government has offered in development aid to the benefit of these communities. Says Chairperson of the Nama Traditional Leaders Association (NTLA), Gaob Petrus Simon Kooper. Gaob Kooper was speaking on Saturday at the annual /Khowese cultural festival at Gibeon. He says for them the amount is immaterial as opposed to Germany first admitting guilt to genocide, which as far as they are concerned she has not. “Germany until now has not admitted that [she] committed…
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Most MPs dismally miskicking and missing Reparations ball!

It has been becoming crystal clear since the beginning of the debate for Genocide, Apology and Reparations (GAR) in the National Assembly for more than a month now, that this debate was, has never been and is not meant and nor bound to be head and ultimately culminate in a constructive progressive, if not radical consensual solution. If anything while the debate should have crystalised and constellate into ideas towards the way forward, from the verbiages of many honourable members of this August House, this far, with a few exceptions, their contributions at best has been nothing less and but…
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Joint Declaration is no substitute to the Ozombuzovindimba Declaration

October 2nd, was the 117th commemoration of the Extermination Order against the Ovaherero issued at Ozombuzovindimba in 1904. Similarly Monday, October 4th was the tenth commemoration of the expatriation from Germany of the first consignment of the remains of the Ovaherero , Ovambanderu and Nama victims of the 1904-1908 Genocide. Last but not the least, this November also sees the 17th anniversary of the Ozombuzovindimba Declaration. While all these dates somehow are related and intertwined, each, in its own unique way, marks an important and inerasable historical imprint in the sad but heroic historical epoch of the Nama, Ovambanderu and…
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Ovaherero, Ovambanderu remember 117 years since issuance of extermination order

Ovaherero, Ovambanderu remember 117 years since issuance of extermination order

Staff Writer Those who attended this year’s 117th commemoration of the October 2, 1904 extermination order against the Ovaherero by then Imperial Germany’s army commander, Lothar von Trotha, in the then German South West Africa, as Namibia was previously known, saw a really somber and solemn occasion. Ovaherero and Ovambanderu women, as it would behooves their culture on the occasion of also the tenth anniversary of the return of the first consignment of human remains, to typify the solemnity and somberness of the commemoration at Ozombuzovindimba in the Otjinene Constituency, where the order was issued, held a vigil in the…
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Ozombuzovindimba Declaration beckons

Tomorrow, October 2nd, is the 117th commemoration of the Extermination Order against the Ovaherero. Similarly Monday, October 4th is the tenth commemoration of the expatriation from Germany of the first consignment of the remains of the Ovaherero , Ovambanderu and Nama victims of the 1904-1908 Genocide. Last but not the least, this November also sees the 17th anniversary of the Ozombuzovindimba Declaration. While all these dates somehow are related and intertwined, each, in its own unique way, marks an important inerasable historical imprint in the sad but heroic history of the Nama, Ovambanderu and Ovaharero that must not be allowed…
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Joint Declaration debate must have no sham heroes/heroines nor villains

This May the Namibian government and its German counterpart have been purported to have reached an agreement on Genocide, Apology and Reparations. An agreement which has since seen a stage managed opposing views among the descendants of the survivors of the 1904-1908 Genocide of the Nama, Ovambanderu and Ovaherero. With a section of the affected communities embracing the deal, despite having reservations about it, especially the quantum of N$18 billion offered by the government of the Federal Republic of Germany. Not as reparations as some close to the negotiations have been maintaining but as a goodwill gesture towards helping a…
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Descendants march to parliament protesting against genocide debate

Descendants march to parliament protesting against genocide debate

Eba Kandovazu More than a hundred descendants of the survivors of the 1904-1908 genocide of the Ovaherero, Ovambanderu and Nama today took to the streets of Windhoek to demonstrate against tabling of a motion to discuss the Joint Declaration between the Namibian government and its German counterpart. The motion to discuss the Joint Declaration was tabled by the Minister of Defense and Veteran Affairs, Frans Kapofi, in the National Assembly today. The march, spearheaded by various political parties such as the Landless People’s Movement(LPM), Rally for Democracy and Progress (RDP}, Popular Democratic Movement(PDM), Namibia Economic Freedom Fighters(NEFF),National Unity Democratic Organisation(Nudo),Swanu…
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