Vice President Netumbo Nandi-Ndaitwah and Secretary General

Endorsements stifle democracy<br>…Geingob urged not to anoint any candidate

Endorsements stifle democracy
…Geingob urged not to anoint any candidate

Tujoromajo Kasuto Political Analysts have welcomed the fact that President Hage Geingob has so for not endorsed anyone for top positions in the Swapo Party at the upcoming elective congress, stating that it will enhance democracy, competency and candidates who meet the necessary requirements may compete, including for the position of party President. Nomination for the positions is next month in September, it was announced at the weekend’s Central Committee meeting. Political analyst Rui Tyitende notes that the tradition of the sitting President endorsing a candidate of his choice has been the norm since President Nujoma and this practice does…
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