water and land reform

New Namibian Veterinary Council commits to high standards

New Namibian Veterinary Council commits to high standards

Niël Terblanché The Ministry of Agriculture, Water and Land Reform announced the appointment of new members to the Veterinary Council of Namibia. The inauguration ceremony, held in Windhoek on Friday, was presided over by Deputy Minister Anna Shiweda, who highlighted the crucial role the Council plays in regulating veterinary standards across the country. Shiweda pointed out that the Namibian Veterinary Council is a statutory body mandated to oversee and regulate the standards of both veterinary and para-veterinary professions in Namibia. “It is my privilege to preside over the inauguration of the fourth Namibian Veterinary Council appointed since the promulgation of…
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Namibia joins United Nations Water Convention

Namibia joins United Nations Water Convention

Niël Terblanché Namibia became the first Southern African country, and the eighth country in Africa, to accede to the United Nations Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes. As both a midstream and downstream country, transboundary water cooperation is crucial for Namibia and the region’s water security and sustainable socio-economic development because the country shares all its perennial rivers with neighbouring countries as well as several significant transboundary groundwater reserves. Namibia’s Minister for Agriculture, Water and Land Reform, Calle Schlettwein said that transboundary water cooperation stands as the cornerstone of the nation’s water security. “I…
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Meatco capitalize on its African Markets

Meatco capitalize on its African Markets

Martin Endjala Meatco Namibia has capitalized on its African Markets following the Ministry of Agriculture, Water and Land Reform directives to operationalize the Katima Mulilo and Rundu abattoir to serve as a getaway for the Eloolo abattoir for cattle farmers in the northern communal areas who are outside the redline. Meatco recently entered into partnership with Angola, Ghana, Tanzania and Republic of Democratic of Congo, which so the northern regions supplying for its counter parts country for the last five months now, until to date. Chief Executive Officer Mwilima Mushokabanji told a media briefing today in Windhoek that given the…
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Increased investments required for water security

Increased investments required for water security

Martin Endjala The African Ministers Council on Water (AMCOW) is calling for more budgetary allocation for water infrastructure to ensure security of this vital resource. Speaking at the opening of water officials meeting, the Executive Director in the Ministry of Agriculture, Water and Land Reform, Ndiyakupi Nghituwamata, as the current AMCOW Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) chair, emphasized that the Africa water mission 2025 calls for acceleration of water security, which is underpinned by continental and global context, adding that the vitality of water has become even more demandable, as it is the answer to community social wellbeing, which includes peace,…
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Schlettwein in breach of contract claim

Schlettwein in breach of contract claim

Staff Writer Greenteam Consultants (GC) has instituted legal proceedings against the Minister of Agriculture, Water and Land Reform, Calle Schlettwein for allegedly breaching an agreement they entered into in 2017. Greenteam is claiming N$3 423 750 at a rate of 20 percent per year, including cost of suits for breaching an agreement to have the consultancy firm create an Integrated Regional Land Use Plan for Omusati Region at a cost ofN$4 150 000. The consultancy wants Schlettwein to pay GCCC the total amount of funds as per the agreement and that he would invite and organise the logistics of stakeholder…
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Emergency power generator saviour for Rundu water woes

Emergency power generator saviour for Rundu water woes

Eba Kandovazu WEEKS after Rundu residents have been without running water, an emergency power generator has finally been dispatched to Rundu from Walvis Bay and water has been restored Minister of Agriculture, Water and Land Reform, Calle Schlettwein, says. Schlettwein adds that a team was on site to repair the damaged transformer, which he says coincidentally broke after NamWater by-passed the water meter and restored unhindered water supply after a water shortage was reported at the town. The NamPower transformer supplies power to Rundu and NamWater pumps feed the town with water. "This has resulted in the unintended continued stoppage…
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Public financial disclosures a mixed bag

The minister of agriculture, water and land reform, Calle Schlettwein is to be applauded for his financial disclosures. He followed the rules with integrity and good intentions. However, we question how democracy is strengthened in Namibia by one member making such a detailed disclosure. The rules of financial disclosure by ALL in Parliament are not being followed. And, financial information is being reported salaciously. This is not the reason behind disclosure. Financial disclosure of assets is only useful in deciding if legislation before the Parliament is in conflict with the personal assets of MPs. How the minister financed the renovation…
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Calle in land ownership dilemma

Calle in land ownership dilemma

...as AR petition is tabled in Parliament Andrew Kathindi Minister of Agriculture, Water and Land Reform, Calle Schlettwein says foreign land ownership in Namibia should not be allowed, but can only be enforced with new regulations. Schlettwein said currently his ministry was being guided by the resolutions of the second land conference, held in 2018, where some of the pertinent topics discussed included resettlement policy and criteria, land allocation and administration and the expropriation of agriculture land. “But we must distinguish between different categories of land. Our reading is that the prohibition is primarily for agricultural land. Industrial development is…
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National silos empty

National silos empty

Andrew Kathindi Agriculture, water and land reform executive director Percy Misika has revealed that the country’s food security has been compromised as national silos are empty. The COVID-19 pandemic has exposed government’s preparedness for emergencies as there is currently insufficient food supply stored in the nation’s grain reserves. “The silos are empty but all is not lost because from our assessment from the current cropping season we are expecting 64,000 tons of white maize and 1,800 tons of pale millet. This would be over and above what is necessary for sustaining Namibian households for food security and which can be…
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